Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Who Are You Playing For?

The kids are gone. Only memories walk the halls. Well, look at that! Here comes one now.

Our final concert was held in our school gym – a first. Our bands, bells, and orchestras combined in one colossal last hurrah for the music department. Very enjoyable.

While picking up chairs after the concert I spied a note that one band member had left on her chair. The notes kids leave around school are always interesting… and personal. So practicing great self-control, I, of course, read it. Here’s what it said, word for word.

“Dear Sarah, You’re not playing for mom, dad, or your teacher. You’re playing for God.” And it was signed, “Sarah.”

The concert now is a memory; an enjoyable one. Hopefully Sarah carries with her the memory of a night when she practiced playing for God. I’m hoping she felt His companionship.

She raises a good question for us: “Who are we playing for?” And does that change how we play?

1 comment:

Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Gosh, what a beautiful realization for a child to have. (Well, I don't know how old the child was, but still!) At nearly 30 I'm still learning to redirect my focus to my Audience of One. I hope she's able to hold onto that....